
  • Practical Application

    Identify the 3 C's of Confidence to leverage in daily life and worldly ambitions

  • Mental Fortitude

    Eliminate the killers of confidence and instill the builders

  • Solidifying Beliefs

    Solidify your personal code. Dish out what's deserved while keeping spiritual hygiene clean

Course curriculum

    1. Feedback Loop

    2. Fake it till you make it?

    3. Disarm

    4. Outer Appearance or Inner Experience

    5. Alexa

    1. Capability

    2. Competence

    3. Comfort

    1. Lowering Standards

    2. Stories You Tell Yourself

    3. Rushing Progress

    4. Tracking Progress

    5. Personal Narratives

    6. Reframing Comparison & Defeat

    1. Own It

    2. Yea I Said It

    3. Inertia

    4. Trust

    5. You're The Winner

    1. Story Time

    2. Quick Note

    3. Handling

    4. Testing Ground

    5. Pacify

    6. Walking Away

    7. Clean FU

    8. Intuition

    9. Truth

About this course

  • $177.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Confidence is Key

Unlock the Doors You've Been Waiting On

Have You Ever...

  • Procrastinated your goals and delayed your vision?

  • Settled for less and justified subpar behavior?

  • Avoided life changes out to fear?

  • Evade risk and felt stagnant?

Get Out of Your Own Way